Saturday, April 27, 2013

50/50 Challenge: Update (Still No Books)

I feel like May may be my big month for books. I have a ton on my list and I'll be traveling which is always a good way to get in some more reading. But until then, the movies are quickly outpacing the books for this challenge.

I saw this movie last week that I thought I had blogged about but maybe I didn't (sorry if there is a repeat!). It is called "Disconnect" and it's this dark look into the social media world. I work with social media on a daily basis and see the positives, but I'm not blind to the negative aspect of it which includes things like bullying and "catfishing." Jason Bateman is in the movie as overworked "disconnected" dad and the whole movie follows several different stories and pulls them together into one movie.

The darkness of it was a drastic contrast to the other movie I last saw which was "Pain and Gain" starring The Rock and Mark Wahlberg. I thought it was pretty funny. It's mostly buffoonery, but I was in need of a good laugh. I liked both "Disconnect" and "Pain and Gain" but for obviously different reasons.

Then, to round out my update I saw another Denzel movie - "The Hurricane" - which he won the Golden Globe for for Best Actor. It was a good story about Rubin "Hurricane" Carter, a middlweight boxer champion who was wrongfully convicted of a murder in the 60s. He has a team of attorneys and a foursome of people dedicated to his case to help free him decades later. The most interesting part about the film was Carter's transformation while in jail and how he handled his circumstances.

Three movies and I'm still working on getting to double digits book-wise. I think I'll be to 50 movies by mid-summer, so maybe I'll have more time to read books? That's what I keep telling myself at least.

Movie #20: Disconnect
Movie #21: Pain and Gain
Movie #22: The Hurricane

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